Bitterne URC is a Fairtrade Church and uses Fairtrade products for all coffee mornings and other occasions when we offer hospitality.
Coffee Mornings are held twice weekly: on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
We are pleased to be able to offer a WARM SPACE and all are welcome for free hot drinks and biscuits at our Wednesday Community Cafe 10.00 am – 11.30 am
This is very much a pastoral coffee morning, open to all, for those who may be lonely and seek a small and gentle social gathering for a chat over a cup of coffee.
The opportunity exists to join others, or if you wish to seek solitude, you can sit in the Sanctuary for quiet time and prayer.
A short service is conducted in the Sanctuary, usually on the first Wednesday in the month at 11.30 am.
Saturday Community Cafe – 10.00 am – 11.30 am All are welcome.
A much larger coffee morning open to all wanting a break from shopping or to meet up with friends.
All donations received from the Saturday Coffee mornings are divided between Church funds and local charities.